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Receive a Spirit Guide Akashic Record Reading from Kelsey delivered directly to your email inbox.


This is an Akashic Record reading for those who are interested in learning more about the Spirit Guides and Divine Beings that surround you.


Spirit Guides are our individual protectors, helpers, healers, and teachers that reside in the etheric or Spiritual realms. They are incredibly compassionate beings who have committed to assist us in multiple ways throughout our lifetime. Some of them have even been with us throughout multiple lifetimes!


In this reading, Kelsey will access your Soul’s Akashic Records and disclose the following information to you:

  • The number of Spirit Guides you currently have (usually 4-8)
  • Detailed information about each of your primary Spirit Guides including who they are, how long they’ve been with you, and their primary role or purpose in your life
  • The amount of Guardian Angels you presently have
  • Comprehensive info about the three most significant Divine Beings that are currently with you (i.e., Archangels, Ascended Masters, etc.)
  • Your primary Spirit Animal that has been with you since birth


Your Spirit Guide Akashic Record Reading will be delivered to your email within 2-3 weeks. This reading is delivered as a Portable Document File (PDF) that is approximately 14-16 pages long (size 12 font).


Once you have placed an order you will immediately receive a PDF document with further instructions. Please download this document immediately and complete the instructions on providing Kelsey with a few basic pieces of information about you so that she can complete the reading.

Spirit Guide Akashic Record Reading

  • Portable Document Format (PDF)

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