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Receive a mini Akashic Record Reading from Kelsey delivered directly to your email inbox.


In this reading, Kelsey will access your Soul's Akashic Records and disclose the following information to you:

  • Your primary energy center of training
  • Your Soul's group of origin


These are the two most significant aspects of your Akashic Record and are crucial in forming your personality, identity, gifts, talents, and current life lessons. To learn more about these aspects, please visit the Akashic Readings page on my website.


The Akashic Records are a magnificent source of knowledge concerning the nature of the Soul. The wisdom that can be accessed within the Akashic Records is profound and sacred. It can help to address your most burning questions such as, "Who am I?", "What am I here to do?" and "What am I learning in this lifetime?"


The mini reading is a great option if you're not ready to commit to a full reading. It's also an appropriate reading to receive information about your partner and/or children. It can be quite beneficial to know the fundamental information of your loved ones, including their soul group of origin and energy center of training.


Knowing these foundational aspects of your loved ones can help you to support them on their life's journey. It can create better harmony and balance between you and your family because it will give you a better understanding of who they are and why they're here.


Your mini Akashic Record Reading will be delivered to your email within 2-3 weeks. This reading is delivered as a Portable Document File (PDF) that is approximately 9-11 pages long (size 12 font). 


Once you have placed an order you will immediately receive a PDF document with further instructions. Please download this document immediately and complete the instructions on providing Kelsey with a few basic pieces of information about you so that she can complete the reading. 

Mini Akashic Record Reading

  • Portable Document Format (PDF)

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