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Five Must-Try Sinus Steam Recipes

Writer: Kelsey KuehlKelsey Kuehl

Updated: Apr 26, 2022

Cozy sweaters, pumpkin spice, fuzzy socks! I just love this time of the year, don't you?

As the seasons change to colder months, our bodies have a natural tendency to cleanse and rid themselves of what is no longer needed for us to enter the new year. I believe that our bodies are incredibly intelligent, and that they often go through a detoxification process at least once a year to help our bodies heal and evolve. Most people often mistake this restoration process as a cold or illness, which may be the case. But, sometimes, it's simply a matter of your body taking some time to reset and upgrade!

Last week, I found myself a bit run down from a long week of travel and little rest. I also was getting an intuitive nudge that I would be going through a bit of a spiritual upgrade over the next couple of weeks. When this happens, I usually get super congested or have excess mucus in my nose and throat for a week or two.

Mucus is our bodies natural way of eliminating toxins and pollutants from our body. And, although it can be irritating, it's a helpful and natural way for the body to detox! Whenever I'm feeling run down, I quickly support my body with extra supplements, vitamins, fluids and, of course, home remedies.

One of my favorite natural treatments to support my respiratory system during this natural detoxification process is to inhale steam and essential oils together! Steam therapy offers so many benefits, including:

  • Loosening or thinning the mucus in the nose, throat, and lungs

  • Easing feelings of irritation

  • Relief from respiratory infections

  • Soothing dry or irritated nasal passages

  • Maintaining feelings of clear airways and easy breathing

Essential Oils

There are a wide variety of herbs and essential oils that are known to support the health of your respiratory system. A few of my favorites are:

  • Peppermint

  • Cardamom

  • Eucalyptus

  • Tea Tree

  • Laurel Leaf

  • Ravintsara

  • dōTERRA Breath Respiratory Blend

These oils can be used both topically and aromatically. To use topically, dilute your essential oils with a carrier oil, such as fractionated coconut oil, or unscented lotion and apply directly to your neck, chest and throat. You can even place a small amount around your nose and sinuses but be careful to avoid contact with the eyes! To use these oils aromatically, add them to an essential oil diffuser and run throughout the day or night.

Sinus Steamers: The Basics

A steam inhalation is one of my favorite at-home protocols for opening and clearing my airways. To do a sinus steam, you simply need a bowl or cup of boiling water and a couple drops of essential oils. A towel and some nearby Kleenex are also useful!

You can boil the water over the stove or in a tea kettle. Gently pour the hot water in a big mug or heatproof bowl. Adding essential oils is always optional, but I feel like they are a huge added benefit. When you're ready to inhale, carefully place your face directly over the steam, close your eyes, and breathe deeply.

For greater potency, you can place a towel over your head by making a tent to trap the steam. Use at your discretion and always start far away from the hot water before slowly and carefully moving in closer. I like to start by breathing in the steam for just a moment or two before giving myself a break. As you get more comfortable with steam inhalation, you can increase the duration, eventually working your way up to 10-15 minutes per session.

Invoking the Spirit World

What I love most about this protocol is that it uses the simple, but effective, powers of nature, fire, and water!

Water is one of the most programmable substances on the Earth. When we work with water in a sacred way we are enhancing and empowering its ability to cleanse and purify our bodies from anything that is no longer serving us in a beneficial way. Therefore, don't be afraid to talk to your water with each steam session by giving it a powerful intention for your healing. While the water is boiling, I place my hands over the water and ask that the Spirit of the Water help and assist in my recovery. You can use your hands or your crystals to charge and amplify the water to work in the highest way possible.

I will work with my essential oils, herbs, and natural supplements in the same way. Essentially, anything from the natural world is alive with Spirit and is always on stand-by to assist if we're humble enough to ask. So, before creating a sinus steam, I'll also bless any plant medicines that I'm working with, by simply holding them in my hands and saying a quick prayer of thanks and healing. Again, you don't have to do this, but I always find these protocols work so much better when we approach them with reverence and gratitude.

Finally, we are using the sacred element of Fire to help create the heat that is needed to produce steam. Fire is also a very cleansing element that can radically purify anything in our physical and spiritual body that is causing us harm. It's no wonder that steam therapy is such a powerful protocol!

The thing to remember with invocations, intentions and prayers is that you can't get them wrong. If you make a whole-hearted attempt at connecting to the Otherworld, you can be sure that Spirit will respond! The Spirit World cares less about your words, and more about the intentions you put behind them. A simple prayer that I would use before a steam therapy session would go like this...

Dear beloved and compassionate Spirit Guides and Angels, please assist my body in healing itself of anything that is no longer needed. I invite the Spirits of the Water and of the Fire and of the Plant Kingdom to assist me for my highest, Divine healing with as much ease and grace as possible. May I be cleansed and purified of any energies and toxicities that are causing me harm. May I be healthy and whole - body, mind, and Spirit. I thank you. I love you. I bless you.

Now that you're ready to go, here's five steam therapies that I have tried and loved...

Rest and Relax: Bedtime Steam

If you've never tried steam inhalation, I suggest you start simple. A smaller container that holds less water, like a coffee mug, will give off less steam than a bigger bowl. And these essential oils are more soothing and calming to the airways than a strong mint or camphor oil. This combo of oils can also help you to relax and ease your mind before bed.


2 drops lavender

2 drops frankincense

Coffee mug (heatproof)

Boiling water


Combine water and essential oils in a mug. Carefully hover over the mug (at a distance at first, use your discretion). Breathe deeply. Start for 1-2 minutes and work your way up to 5-10 minutes. Repeat as many times throughout the day as you like.

Sinus Relief Essential Oil Steam

This one is a bit more intense and uses a large bowl of water to create more steam and a towel to trap the steam. Be sure to honor your body and give yourself plenty of breaks!


4 drops eucalyptus oil

4 drops tea tree oil

Large bowl (heatproof)

Boiling water



Combine water and essential oils in a bowl. Drape a towel over your head. Carefully hover over the bowl (at a distance at first, use your discretion). Breathe deeply. Start for 1-2 minutes and work your way up to 10-15 minutes. Repeat as many times throughout the day as you like.

Breathe Easy Sinus Steamer

Here's another option for steam therapy that uses a combination of three different essential oils. Many tree oils are used in aromatherapy to promote feelings of easy breathing, clear the airways and support overall respiratory health.


3 drops Siberian fir or cypress

3 drops eucalyptus oil

3 drops tea tree oil

Large bowl (heatproof)

Boiling water



Combine water and essential oils in a bowl. Drape a towel over your head. Carefully hover over the bowl (at a distance at first, use your discretion). Breathe deeply. Start for 1-2 minutes and work your way up to 10-15 minutes. Repeat as many times throughout the day as you like.

Drain the Swamp

Everyone has "that one protocol" that they keep in their back pocket for when everything they've tried has failed. This is the one, friends. This is my go-to when I just can't take it anymore and am completely desperate for relief. I can usually only breathe this one in for a breath or two before needing a break. Although it is intense, this protocol works well for me (don't say I didn't warn you).


2 drops eucalyptus

2 drops peppermint

2 drops cypress

2 drops tea tree

1 drop ravintsara

1 drop laurel leaf

1 drop oregano

Large bowl (heatproof)

Boiling water



Combine water and essential oils in a bowl. Drape a towel over your head (optional). Carefully hover over the bowl (at a distance at first, use your discretion). Breathe deeply. Start for 1-2 minutes and work your way up to 10-15 minutes. Repeat as many times throughout the day as you like.

Eucalyptus Steam Shower

For some people, steam therapy over a bowl or mug is too extreme, so I would recommend the next best thing... Hop in a hot shower and let the steam from the warm water do the trick! I keep a bottle of Eucalyptus oil inside my shower. When I need to clear the way, I simply pour a few drops of the oil directly onto the my shower floor and let the steam and oils mingle together and work their way up into my airways. It's so relaxing and reminds me of being at the spa!

If you're looking for something a little more creative, try making these easy Eucalyptus Shower Melts. You can also add additional oils to this recipe to create your favorite combination!


1 cup baking soda

25 drops Eucalyptus essential oil

1/4 cup of water


Combine ingredients together in a bowl. Pack the mixture into silicone molds or a mini muffin tin. Allow the mixture to set harden and set overnight. Once the molds are ready, pop them out and store them in an airtight container or plastic bag. To use, place one shower melt in your shower away from the direct flow of water. Shower with the water as warm as you're able to and breathe slowly and deeply. If possible, stay in the shower for at least 10 minutes!

I'd love to hear from you... Have you tried a sinus steam before? Did you try one or more of these recipes? I always look forward to your feedback.

For more natural recipes and home protocols, check out the essential oil section of my website.

With Love,



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