The human body contains seven major energy centers known as chakras which are located along the center of the body. In Sanskrit, chakra means "wheel". Each chakra acts as a disk or generator of energy that typically spins in a clockwise direction.
Each chakra has its own function and area of focus in our life. When all of the chakras are open and balanced, our mind-body-spirit is also balanced and harmonious. However, if even one chakra becomes blocked or overactive, we may experience physical symptoms, mental or emotional imbalances or spiritual dilemmas.

The 7 Major Body Chakras
It is believed that each of the chakras correlates to each of the seven main layers of the auric field. However, many believe that the human aura has now evolved and expanded to contain twelve (sometimes more) layers.

Many have come to understand that humans actually have five additional auric layers that correspond with each of the five transpersonal chakras. Although my experience has shown me that not everyone has all five of their transpersonal chakras activated and opened. I believe that activating the other five chakras is a matter of Divine will and timing and also is associated with each individual's level of consciousness and spiritual growth.
In addition to these twelve chakras, we have over a hundred minor chakras located within every organ, joint and accupoint throughout the body. For beginners, I recommend learning the 7 main personal body chakras first, as they are our foundation for understanding how the human energy field works. So, let's take a look at the seven major chakras as our starting point:
Root Chakra: The first chakra is located right at the bottom of your pelvis and in the center of your perennial area. It is often associated with the color red and helps to govern our physical reality, safety, security, ability to ground, sexuality and survival instincts.
Sacral Chakra: Sitting just a few inches below the belly button, the sacral chakra influences our emotions and creativity. It's identified with the color orange and affects our views on intimacy, boundaries and trust.
Solar Plexus Chakra: The third chakra is situated in the upper belly at the diaphragm. Its color is yellow and guides our will as well as our mental layers. It is also responsible for our energy, personal power and issues related with the Ego.
Heart Chakra: It should be no surprise that the heart chakra is located right in the middle of your chest. This chakra helps us to experience unconditional love, guides our relationships and influences our ability to demonstrate compassion and hope. Green is the color of the heart chakra.
The first three chakras govern much of our physical body and Earthly reality, while the last three chakras connect us to God, our Higher Self and Spiritual aspects. The heart chakra acts as the bridge that connects us to both the physical and spiritual dimensions, making it possible to exist in both planes at the same time. It is our heart that reminds us that we are both Spiritual beings and human beings.

Throat Chakra: The fourth chakra exists in your throat and is associated with the color blue. The throat chakra assists in our ability to speak our Truth. It also governs our ability to be a good communicator, which includes listening and understanding others.
Third Eye Chakra: Existing behind the middle of the forehead and near the pineal gland, our third eye influences our intuition and spiritual insight. It's identified with the color indigo and opens us up to a greater awareness, psychic senses and spiritual gifts.
Crown Chakra: The seventh and final chakra is located right at the top of the head. Personally, I see its color to be more like white or iridescent, although many texts will use purple to describe it. This is the chakra that connects us to higher intelligences such as God, our Angels and our Spirit Guides. This chakra also assists in our ability to raise our consciousness and our enlightenment.
Balancing Your Chakras
When each of the chakras are balanced and healthy, it means that they're all spinning in the same direction and are all approximately the same size. They should appear bright and vibrant and be able to move freely without obstruction. Chakras that are out of balance can become either blocked or overractive.
A blocked chakra usually looks like a chakra that is either not spinning or is spinning slower than the others. It can often appear to be filled with dense or heavy energies. It can also appear smaller than normal or even look like it's spinning backwards in the opposite direction.
An overactive chakra on the other hand usually appears to be spinning too quickly, as if it is spinning out of control. It can also appear to be bigger than normal and will often begin to dominate the energy of the other chakras that are next to it if it isn't balanced. An overactive chakra can also change shape and become more oval or oblong rather than a perfect circle.

I love using this simple chart that explains what blocked, balanced and overactive chakras can look like in a person's life. Download and print your free copy.
Using A Pendulum To Check Your Chakras
By having a little bit of knowledge about each chakra, most people are able to identify which of their chakras might be out of balance and in need of healing. But, if you're still unsure, you can use a pendulum to check your own chakras.
Checking your chakras with a pendulum is pretty simple and anyone can do it. First, you'll need a pendulum that has been cleared and programmed with only your Higher Self's energy. Next, you can follow these steps:
Hold the pendulum with your dominant hand. Place it a few inches above the palm of your other hand.
Wait for the pendulum to stop moving, or simply command it to be still by saying, "stop" out loud. Make sure that your pendulum has always stopped moving before asking it a new question.
Next, tell your pendulum, "Show me what a healthy chakra on my body looks like." Wait for the pendulum to respond and begin moving. Make sure you take note of what direction the chakra spins, how fast it spins and how big of a circle it makes.
Once the pendulum has stopped moving, ask it to show you what each of your chakras look like. Say, "Now, show me what my first/root chakra looks like." Then, take note of what the pendulum does. If it spins in the opposite direction, changes size or barely moves, it could indicate a blockage in that chakra. If it starts spinning faster, makes oblong shapes or spins in a large circle, it could indicate an overactive chakra.
Repeat this for each of your 7 main chakras.
Here's a good video tutorial on how to use your pendulum to check your chakras.
Self-Healing Your Chakras
There are many tools and techniques that you can utilize to help open, heal and balance your own chakras. Let's look at a few of my favorites:
Yoga Poses: Yoga is an excellent way to get your chakras to open up and help your energy to flow more freely throughout your body. Yoga helps to move stuck and stagnant energy from your energy field that can prevent the chakras from functioning properly. For example, if someone is having troubles opening their heart chakra, I'd recommend that they spend ten minutes a day doing back bending poses that help to open their chest, heart, shoulders and upper spine.
Essential Oils: I find that aromatherapy is a very quick and effective way to recalibrate our thoughts, emotions and energies. I've observed that a person with a weak root chakra usually has a hard time grounding or rooting their energy down to the Earth. Essential oils that contain earthy scents and tree properties can really help to assist the root chakra in coming into better alignment and focusing a person's energy downward.
Crystals: Crystals are excellent healers when it comes to restoring our energy. Someone having throat issues could wear blue crystals on a necklace or carry them in their pocket. Many crystal lovers also like to bathe with crystals, infuse their water with crystal properties, sleep with their gemstones or decorate their homes with beautiful rocks. For chakra healing, you can place a healing stone directly on or near the chakra you want to work with while meditating or resting.
Sounds: Singing bowls, tuning forks and Solfeggio frequencies are powerful tools to open and heal stubborn chakras. Listening to certain sounds in nature can also be very supportive. For example, listening to water sounds such as rain, waves or waterfalls can help a person to connect more deeply to their sacral chakra and the watery properties of their womb.
Foods: Certain diets could be beneficial in opening chakras or clearing blocked energies. One example is incorporating more "yellow foods" such as peppers, lentils, squash, bananas and/or corn to assist with the healing of the solar plexus chakra.
Energy Work: Daily activities such as clearing your energy and raising your vibration can also assist in removing stuck energy from your chakras and balancing your energy field. Utilizing these free resources on a routine basis will serve you well!
Fore more self-healing ideas, please feel free to download and print my Advanced Chakra Healing Chart:

I hope this information has assisted you in many ways! If you have further questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact me. I'd love to hear from you.
With Love,