Lately, I've been getting a lot of intuitive insights suggesting that things are rapidly "falling apart" or "breaking". This message keeps repeating itself. I'm observing this trend in my own life, as well as in the experiences of many of my clients and within the community as a whole.
In today’s blog I’m sharing some intuitive insights I’m receiving around things breaking as well as the spiritual significance to physical things breaking in your life.
The overall message has been pretty clear to me:
The present energies are strongly encouraging us to disrupt old cycles, habits, thoughts, beliefs, and patterns.
This present energy is bringing about significant relationship closures, career shifts, material losses, and other profound wake-up calls, all intended to break us free from our old patterns and guide us towards something fresh. I have been attuned to this energy for over two months, and the insights I am receiving indicate that this energy is continuously gaining momentum. There are no signs of it slowing down or halting in the near future.
A Message Amidst Chaos
About two months ago, I was eating at a restaurant with my family and a group of friends, and a police officer came in to tell me that a full-size RV had drove into my parked car and nearly totaled it. I won’t bore you with all the personal details, but this period was an interesting fork in the road for my personal life. I was feeling a strong need to make some big changes in several areas, but, I must admit, I was procrastinating.
Without getting into a lot of private family details, what I will say is that for the last six months, my husband and I had been secretly discussing changes that we needed to make in our life to actualize a bigger vision for the future of our children. These changes would involve a rather intense breaking, if you will, of our existing lifestyle and beliefs. It would involve a breaking of our daily routines and habits.
All of this is to say that I can’t help but wonder if I was needing a not-so-gentle reminder from God to let me know that this breaking of old patterns and habits was not only needed, but necessary in my life. And so, looking back at that moment almost two months ago, I can see how after that day, things in my life began to shift in a very different direction than what I had previously planned. It's hard to say if my car being in an accident had anything to do with that, but it sure felt like a message of some sort – a turning point for me and my life.
I can’t help but wonder if when our current timeline changes direction, we notice tangible confirmations in our life that notify us that the path has shifted.
Now, hear me out, because I’m sure you may be thinking how did I connect a totaled car with a change in my life. Well, let’s just say, this isn’t the first time strange accidents have happened to my vehicle…
More Wrecks, More Changes
Last week, on my way to taking my daughter to school we were rear-ended. A couple of hours later I was working with Jamie Crane, an energy healer. She was performing energy work for me and there were some things that came up in my healing that were a bit eye opening and awakening for me.
The work that she was doing was stirring up reminders within me that there were things in my private life that I needed to change. Some of the things that came up in my healing session were advice about remembering my joy and my passions. And this session made me realize that I've found myself in a bit of a rut. I've gotten into a daily pattern where I allow myself to feel stuck in many ways, which I'm sure those of you reading can relate to. And I realized once again that there were certain patterns, behaviors, thoughts and beliefs that I was carrying about myself, my work, and my role in the world that, once again, needed to break or shift course.
Is it just a coincidence that I had this revelation only hours after being rear-ended? Or is something bigger at work here? I can't help but feel that there is a strong connection between things breaking in my life and the messages of change that comes with it.
Unexpected Car Troubles: Yet Another Breakdown
Well, if that’s not strange enough, here's another one for you. Back in 2020, at the start of the pandemic and lockdowns, I went to go drive my car through an automatic car wash. And there was an unfortunate accident, and my car was wrecked inside the car wash. It was so bad it had to be towed out.
Now, this seems like a more obvious example because at the beginning of the pandemic, I had to break a ton of habits and patterns in my life as both of my children suddenly didn't have childcare or school anymore. Like each of you, my life did a 180° turn as I was now a full time stay at home mom who was thrusted with the responsibilities of homeschooling and childcare. My healing practice that I worked so hard to build was forced to take a backseat. Cleary, there were many massive changes and breaking of patterns that had to occur in my life for me to navigate this new way.
So again, there was that relationship of when things start to change direction in my life or when something needs to move, transform, and change radically, it's as if the universe gives me this unexpected signal by putting me in some kind of car crash or accident.
With all these incidents, nothing bad ever really happened other than damage to my vehicle which is fully insured. Nobody was ever hurt. There were no injuries. But each time was a strange reminder that “big changes are coming”. I realized that after each accident my life would change its direction.
Broken Bones
I've noticed this trend in my life, not just with my car, but with breaking bones and physical body injuries. Which leads me to another story…
Probably about eight years ago, I was sitting at my desk. This was when I was working full time in the corporate world, running the restaurant business with my husband. And I got up to stand to go walk away from my desk for a bit and I literally just stepped wrong on my foot, fell, and ended up having a small fracture in my foot. Embarrassing, right?!
Once again, this was a period in my life where I was being asked to radically and drastically change my life and step away from the corporate world and go into the healing arts. So once again I noticed that this breaking of something very physical in my life (this time it was a bone) was signaling a kind of break or change of habits that was needing to occur.
Sometimes when we don’t make the necessary changes in our life, the Universe will step in and force you to make the change.
If you've been here for a while, you may have read or saw on social media that my daughter broke her upper arm bone back in November of last year. This event came after an intense period of grief as we had just lost a close family friend. When my girl’s arm broke, I realized that my body was filled with grief, that I wasn't healing and processing my grief, but instead was suppressing it and running from it. I realized that there was a lot of deep-seated fear that I was holding in certain areas of my body that I wasn't releasing or transmuting. And so as tragic as it was to watch my daughter go into emergency surgery, and months of recovery, the event forced me to realize an important opportunity to slow down, pause, and deal with the heavy emotions that I was ignoring.
I remember, very clearly receiving the message that, “if you don’t process these emotions now, they’re going to come back to bite you.” I was being asked to break my old patterns of suppressing my grief and not facing my shadow. I was being confronted with a choice:
Heal yourself now or suffer the consequences later.
The breaking of bones can hold various spiritual meanings across different cultures and beliefs. Some interpretations include:
Symbol of transformation and rebirth
Sign of releasing negative energy or past traumas
Representation of the body's ability to heal and regenerate
Metaphor for overcoming challenges and emerging stronger
The Rattling of the Bones
Malidoma Somé always talked about how the ancestors will “rattle your bones” when they have an important message for you or need you to “wake up” to see the bigger picture. This rattling of the bones, he’d say, is an invitation to remember the purpose and messages that are inscribed within our bones.
Malidoma would often teach that a person’s purpose is inscribed deep within their bones. And when we’re not living a life filled with purpose, or we’ve taken a wrong turn, the Spirit World will literally quake and shake us awake until we listen. They will rattle our bones. Perhaps sometimes, they must rattle us so hard, that something inside of us or close to us must physically break.
Sometimes the only way to realize that we have lost our sense of direction and purpose is to receive a spiritual “knock” on the head. Or a bump on the rear end of your vehicle. Or a broken bone.
Everything Has a Purpose
In early 2015 my husband had a very important business deal that needed to take place. It would, essentially, change our family’s trajectory in a life-changing way.
In a recreational basketball game, my husband had an accident that destroyed his knee. He tore the ACL, MCL, and both menisci. He was unable to walk or drive for close to two months. And, so, he was forced to sit on the couch with his computer for weeks on end and perfect his business and financial plans for the next 5 years.
He often says, “had I never hurt my knee, we wouldn’t be where we are today.” I think that day was always a blessing in disguise. He never would have had the time to make the business deal work if life had not forced him to sit down and do the work. He needed a break (pun intended!) or else our life would not be where it is today.
The point is this: things may break but they always have a purpose.
Sometimes breaks are meant to slow us down and give us a moment of pause and reflection. Sometimes they are meant to help us change our patterns, behaviors, or cycles. Sometimes they reveal to us the dark places where we are avoiding ourselves.
What Is Breaking for You?
So, here we are in a time of massive change and growth. Perhaps nothing physical in your life is breaking (consider that a good thing!) But that doesn’t mean the message doesn’t apply to you.
If there was a way for Spirit to grab your attention long enough to get you to make a change in your life, would you listen?
This, perhaps, is a sign or a warning or simply a message. But I believe we are at a crucial time where we cannot keep holding on to the things that we know are unhealthy for us. We cannot keep repeating the same cycles and patterns that cause us harm and pain. We can’t keep holding onto the same bad habits and addictions that keep us feeling empty, afraid, and trapped. We can’t keep reciting the same inner dialogue and beliefs day after day that speak to our doubt, shame, and insecurities. All of this only leads us towards chaos and self-destruction.
What inside of you needs to break? Where are you neglecting your own inner healing? Have you been ignoring the signs and messages from the other world?
Have you been ignoring the rattling of your own bones?
Perhaps this leaves you with a few things to ponder. Let me know if you’re feeling this “rattling” within your life and if things are also “breaking”. I’m curious how many people are having the same experiences.
Much Love,