I serve people who...
Need help healing at the core level of their being; the level of Spirit
Are yearning for a more harmonious life
Wish they could awaken to the memory of who they truly are
Are looking for renewed and increased energy, vitality, joy and enthusiasm for life
Want to better understand who they are
Desire to live a more Sacred and connected life
Are committed to personal empowerment, growth and development
Want to grow into a deeper state of love and peace
Desire to reduce personal pain, suffering, stress or anxiety
Need assistance in cleansing and purifying toxicity in their life
healing modalities
I utilize ancient as well as modern techniques of healing that address the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of life.
Private sessions can be performed in-person or remotely.
Please visit the FAQ Page for more information or contact me with questions.
When booking your session, you will be able to notify Kelsey if you have any special requests for healing or areas of concern. Each session is unique and will include one or more of the following healing modalities.

Energetic Healing
Aligning spiritual energy for the purpose of overall wellness

Receive Divine messages from your Spirit Guides and Angels

Soul Retrieval
Returning the vital essence to a person that has been lost

Removing intrusive, stuck, unwanted or unhelpful energy

Entity Removal
Releasing of energetic cords and negative attachments

Aura Repair
Techniques to balance and clear an individual's chakra system

Elemental Healing
Utilizing healing properties of nature, crystals and the Elements

Power Restoration
Restoring intelligent, healing energy back into the body

Spirit Messages
Listen to guidance and wisdom from benevolent Spirit Helpers

Sound Healing
Drums, rattles, and sound bowls are used to alter and raise energy
The use of essential oils to assist emotional and mental balance