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The Mystical World of Spirit Animals: Ancient Beliefs and Modern Interpretations
The Spirit Animal is a very important spiritual helper for every human being on the planet. Its role is to provide guidance and protection.
Oct 12, 20233 min read

Turmeric Tea At Home: 3 Recipes to Try
Turmeric is packed with powerful antioxidants. It is often used as an herbal remedy and immune booster during colder months.
Sep 25, 20233 min read

Aura Fluffing: How to Cleanse and Energize Your Energy Field
Aura fluffing is a hands-on practice that I like to use on myself and with my clients to cleanse and energize the energetic field.
Sep 18, 20234 min read

Total Body Relaxation Meditation
Total body relaxation is an exercise that helps you relax your body, mind, and Spirit. It is designed to bring you into deep surrender.
Aug 29, 20232 min read

Navigating Life Transitions with the Seven-Year Chakra Cycle as Your Guide
There is an ancient Vedic philosophy that explains how humans go through a new developmental cycle every seven years. Each seven-year...
Aug 17, 20239 min read

Our Tongue-Tie Journey
I hope this story and information inspires you or someone you love to get the help and healing that you deserve.
Aug 6, 20239 min read

From Fear to Calm: How Worry Water Can Help You Overcome Stress
Worry water is an elemental healing technique that uses a bowl of water to help transform and transmute heavy energies and dense emotions.
Jul 26, 20234 min read

You Are the Medicine
It’s not a big, epic event, that will change our lives, but rather, a series of moment-by-moment choices to be the medicine that we all need
Jul 19, 20232 min read

How to Choose the Right Oil for Oil Pulling
Oil pulling is an Ayurvedic practice that has been getting a lot of attention over the last several years, and for good reason!
Jun 21, 20235 min read

5 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Rose Tea Water
Rose water is simply water that has been infused with the spiritual and physical properties of rose petals. Known as the Queen of Fowers...
Jun 11, 20234 min read

The Power of Prayer: How to Create Your Own Prayer Tree
A prayer tree is a place where you can go to honor your prayers, hopes, intentions, dreams, and wishes.
Jun 1, 20236 min read

You Are a Warrior
The mission that you have been blessed with is so big, so life changing, so beautifully magnificent. That it scares the enemy.
May 18, 20232 min read

Energize & Enlighten Tub Tea Recipe
This citrus and mint tub tea will energize and enliven your senses, cool you down after a long day in the sun, and cleanse your energy.
May 6, 20235 min read

Healing With Mother Earth
The Earth is like a mother on whose lap we can always find nourishment, support, comfort, and love. The Earth is always blessing us.
Apr 24, 20233 min read

The Art of Aromatic Anchoring
An aromatic anchor is a daily self-care ritual designed to infuse a specific feeling or emotion into your body and energetic field.
Apr 12, 20236 min read

8 Techniques To Spring Clean Your Body
Spring is a good time to boost your body's natural detoxification process. Here are 8 gentle, yet effective, body detox techniques.
Mar 30, 20236 min read

On Becoming A Healer
I often get asked about my journey to becoming a healer. Here is my process and advice about becoming an energy healer and diviner.
Mar 19, 20238 min read

Savasana to Reset Your System
Savasana is the Sanskrit name for a yoga posture known as the relaxation pose. Although Savasana seems quite inactive, it's very beneficial.
Mar 7, 20234 min read

We Are the Midwives
I awoke very early the other morning by a vivid and bizarre dream. In my dream I was assisting with a home birth and helping to bring in...
Feb 21, 20234 min read

You Are a Mountain
You are not here to play life small or safe. Not you, dear one. For, you… you’re a mountain. A tall, giant, strong, and beautiful mountain.
Feb 11, 20233 min read
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