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Decoding Spiritual Messages From Your Dreams
Dreaming is one of the easiest ways that our Ancestors and Spirit Guides use to communicate information to us.
Aug 2, 20228 min read

The Sacred Practice of Anointing Oil
Anointing oils have been around for centuries. Anointing is a ceremonial practice of applying oil on a person's body or head. It has been...
Apr 27, 20224 min read

Are The Plants Talking to Us?
The first time I knew I could talk to plants was many years ago. It was around Christmastime, and I was mindlessly walking into the grocery
Feb 16, 20226 min read

In Honor of My Teacher, Malidoma
My beloved teacher and friend, Malidoma Patrice Somé, left this earthly realm December 9, 2021. Malidoma was a Shaman, healer and diviner.
Dec 16, 202113 min read

Winter Solstice Clearing Ritual
This sacred shower cleanse ritual will help to energetically clear your body, heart, mind, and Soul so that your path forward may be clear.
Dec 7, 20216 min read

What Is Cowry Shell Divination?
Divination is a process where you can receive Divine guidance from higher realms of consciousness.
Oct 1, 20213 min read

Take Care of Each Other
We are growing. We are changing. We are evolving. So, go easy on yourself and others as you move through these powerful initiations.
Sep 1, 20214 min read

Master Your Energy Through Transmutation
Through our own, sacred bodies, we can literally alter and transmute energy. We can use our hearts to filter the energies that we experience
Jul 21, 20216 min read

Finding Your Birth Element and Its Meaning
In the Dagara tradition, the year you are born determines your predominant qualities and the elemental properties that will be strongest...
Jul 2, 20217 min read

Do Not Be Disheartened
I recently was asked, “How are you not disheartened by what is happening in the world?" My answer...
Jun 4, 20217 min read

Why Is Everyone Talking About Torus Fields?
The torus field is a an electromagnetic field that makes up our energy body. The torus teaches us that energy flows in infinite directions.
May 19, 20214 min read

12 Ways to Improve Your Intuitive Abilities
Everyone has the ability to receive higher guidance and sense subtle energies. Because each person is unique, the ways that we use our intui
May 10, 202110 min read

Ten Crystals to Place In Your Home
Crystals are magnificent, transformational tools that can assist us to amplify positive healing frequencies, while protecting us from...
May 1, 20215 min read

The Lonely Phase of Awakening
I saw a meme this morning that said, "Being awake isn't cool. It means you have to dumb down 95% of your conversations just to fit in."
Apr 22, 20218 min read

A Message About The Great Awakening
Light workers and wayshowers have been anticipating this global awakening for quite some time with excitement and curiosity.
Mar 8, 20215 min read

DIY Aura Cleansing Spray: Four Recipes
Clearing is the process of releasing and cleansing our energetic field. It's a necessary hygiene practice that should be done routinely...
Feb 27, 20216 min read

Dreaming A Better Future
During our current quest for answers and knowledge, let us not forget that this is not about who's right or wrong. It's not about whose...
Feb 15, 20212 min read

Understanding The Current Timeline Split
Earlier last year I was shown very clearly a division of timelines. How it looked was that the collective of humanity was at a fork in...
Jan 28, 202110 min read

Claiming Our Sovereignty
One of the biggest lessons that humanity is trying to learn this year is how to be truly sovereign. We are learning to take our power...
Dec 29, 20209 min read

Releasing The Weight of Expectation
From birth we become weighed down by the weight of expectation. As a result we're programmed to act, speak and behave to not disappoint.
Dec 4, 20209 min read
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